Geomechnical Model of Germany

The contemporary stress state in the upper crust is of great interest for geotechnical applications and basic research likewise. However, our knowledge of the crustal stress field from the data perspective is limited. For Germany basically two datasets are available: Orientations of the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) and the stress regime as part of the World Stress Map (WSM) database as well as a complementary compilation of stress magnitude data of Germany and adjacent regions. However, these datasets only provide pointwise, incomplete and heterogeneous information of the 3D stress tensor.

Overview of the model area and available datasets. Grey dots show locations of stress magnitudes (Morawietz et al., 2020), color-coded lines the stress regime and the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress (WSM, Heidbach et al., 2018).

Here, we present a geomechanical-numerical model that provides a continuous description of the contemporary 3D crustal stress state on a regional scale for Germany. The model covers an area of about 1000 x 1250 km2 and extends to a depth of 100 km containing seven units, with specific material properties (density and elastic rock properties) and laterally varying thicknesses: A sedimentary unit, four different units of the upper crust, the lower crust and the lithospheric mantle.

Workflow of the 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling.

The model is calibrated by the two datasets to achieve a best-fit regarding the SHmax orientations and the minimum horizontal stress mThe model is calibrated by the two datasets to achieve a best-fit regarding the SHmax orientations and the minimum horizontal stress magnitudes (Shmin). The modelled orientations of SHmax are almost entirely within the uncertainties of the WSM data used and the Shmin magnitudes fit to various datasets well.

Results of the model showing the SHmax in comparison to WSM data. (a) SHmax orientation of the model at 5 km depth. (b) Relative deviation of the model result. (c) Orientation of the SHmax of WSM data. (d) Histogram of the deviation.
Results of the model showing the Shmin magnitudes in comparison to the data of Morawietz et al. (2020). The differences are calculated as model results minus calibration data. (a) Depth depending differences. (b) Spatial distribution of the calibration data used, numbers indicating localities with multiple data used. (c) Histogram of the differences displayed in (a).

Only the SHmax magnitudes show locally significant deviations, primarily indicating too large values in the upper part of the model.

Results of the model showing the SHmax magnitudes in comparison to the data of Morawietz et al. (2020). The differences are calculated as model results minus calibration data. (a) Depth depending differences. (b) Spatial distribution of the calibration data used, numbers indicating localities with multiple data used. (c) Histogram of the differences displayed in (a).

The model is open for further refinements regarding model geometry, e.g., additional layers with laterally varying material properties, and incorporation of future stress measurements. In addition, it can provide the initial stress state for local geomechanical models with a higher resolution.

Sketch of a submodeling workflow. Regional models with low resolution can provide the initial stress state for local models with higher resolution.

Contact: Steffen Ahlers


Heidbach, O., Rajabi, M., Cui, X., Fuchs, K., Müller, B., Reinecker, J., Reiter, K., Tingay, M., Wenzel, F., Xie, F., Ziegler, M. O., Zoback, M.-L., and Zoback, M.: The World Stress Map database release 2016: Crustal stress pattern across scales, Tectonophysics, 744, 484–498,, 2018.

Morawietz, S., Heidbach, O., Reiter, K., Ziegler, M., Rajabi, M., Zimmermann, G., Müller, B., and Tingay, M.: An open-access stress magnitude database for Germany and adjacent regions, Geothermal Energy, 8,, 2020.


Ahlers, S., Henk, A., Hergert, T., Reiter, K., Müller, B., Röckel, L., Heidbach, O., Morawietz, S., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., and Anikiev, D.: 3D crustal stress state of Germany according to a data-calibrated geomechanical model, Solid Earth, 12, 1777–1799,, 2021.